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  • Dissemination in the media of prevention messages to the population (NTIC, social networks and digital capsules through mobile telephony, internet, WebTV). Partnership with operator

  • Development of local, general and specialized health centres; ventilation and resuscitation equipment project in Africa (300 ventilators).

  • Modern Check-up centre in Dakar with telemedicine for check-ups and guidance on treatments and care.

  • Accompaniment of patients in France specifically through the PRECIS network:

    • Personnel: expert medical personnel to diagnose, guide and take care of the patient; speed of a medical-surgical network to obtain the best for the patient immediately (“medical secret”).

    • Rapid: medical and surgical network to obtain the best at time T for the patient ("doctor's secret")

    • Ethics: best care and specialists in compliance with the Hippocratic Oath for fair care

    • Confidence  reliable, impartial diagnosis (examinations or interventions if necessary without unnecessary risks or additional costs)

    • Imparciality/Independance: no conflicts of interest with hospitals or clinics

    • Secrecy : confidentiality, discretion

  • Support for research projects on chronic diseases and premature aging

  • International collaboration and aid (ex: donation of 100,000 masks in China in February 2020 / COVID).

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Senegal : Villa Kebe 5, BP 16667 Dakar Fann

France : 1 Bd Pasteur 75015 Paris

Twitter :GlobalPreventi3


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